Ultimate Equestrian Game!
King's Riding Star is a fully
interactive equestrian simulation. Players have the option to compete
head to head against their friends or to compete against computer
opponents in a 10 round Grand Prix season to be become the champion.
Players must keep their horse fed and well groomed and the stables
clean in order to earn maximum points in each competition. |
in dressage, show jumping, cross country or in a complete three day
event, players are able to experience all the thrill and excitement of
an equestrian competition. Riding Star features superb graphics along
with authentic commentary and scoring.
High Res 3D horse model, featuring state of the art real time software
Realistic horse and rider animations, walk, trot, canter, gallop,
jumps, falls and refusals.
Superb 2D pre-rendered backgrounds and scenery, including realistic
looking cross country obstacles and showjumping jumps with falling
8 stunningly different colours of horse to choose from, along with
hidden "super attribute" horse.
Complete equestrian simulation featuring 10 different courses in each
of the following events: dressage, crosscountry and showjumping.
True to life equestrian scoring as the player competes in a 10 round
championship season.
Training arena for players to practice their horse's jumping and
turning skills.
Multiplayer support for up to 4 players on the same computer.
Realistic sound effects and atmospherics.
Authentic commentary during alll events.
Easy to follow navigation guides in all events to show the path to
Interactive stable area, incorporating a tackroom, stall and paddock.
Feeding, watering and grooming of the horse, along with cleaning out of
the horse's stall.
Equestrian resource book located in the tackroom drawer.
Input for players to include their own name and that of their horse for
multiplayer competition.
Screen shot capture button to save all those great action shots for
later viewing.

