Scooter Challenge
new developers IncaGold have come up with something unique
in their latest batch of PC titles. Micro Scooter Challenge is the game
starring THE accessory of last year. Definitely the trendiest way to
get around in the early part of the 21st century, those spindly-looking
metal scooters you see people of all ages riding, have now made it onto
the PC.
this arcade-like experience, you must first choose from a selection of
male and female riders. All characters have been presented in a
cartoon-style, with big heads and over-sized limbs. There is no real
difference in abilities, the choice is there to offer a little variety
in style. From here on in, you will get the opportunity to race around
eight varying circuits in eight cities, including London, Berlin and
Cairo. Some tracks are outdoors, some are indoors. You even have the
ability to alter the time of day in which the game is played. The
controls of the game are very simple; go, stop, left, right, and so on,
meaning a standard PC keyboard will suffice.
Not to be taken entirely seriously,
Micro Scooter Challenge is a piece of high quality arcade-style fun.
