Chess takes the basic chess game and adds an imaginative element for
players bored with the simple "black vs. white" chess board.
Beautifully done in rendered 3D graphics, Combat Chess adds stunning
animation sequences during gameplay. Combat Chess is written to Grand
Master standards and supports play against human opponents. While the
idea behind Combat Chess (replacing the traditional Staunton pieces
with character pieces) is not new, it is beautifully executed.
Chess includes 3D rendered pieces from a medieval setting with fantasy
elements. Pawns become dragons, Knights become - well, knights, Bishops
become, er, bishops....Hmmmm. Maybe there isn't that much to this
anyway. Whatever the case, the pieces are beautiful and interesting.
Several animations accompany each piece. With over 600 animation
sequences, combat is rarely the same between pieces. And each piece
includes "fidget" sequences for those moments you need to think. The
animations include movement, combat, fidgets, and "check" moves - for
when a piece places the King in check.
For the
traditional minded, Combat Chess includes a traditional set, also 3D
rendered. Two boards come with the game, each assigned to the genre of
300MHz CPU, 32Mb RAM, 8Mb Graphics, 25Mb HD, 4x CD-ROM