WORLD OF SOCCER is the the finest football game you'll ever take part
need all your Premier Division managerial skills and tactical strategy.
is 100% football and you'll need to be 100% on top of your game.
pray the ref's on top of his!!

- Besides
the player manger career, one may play friendly matches, single season
of any competion, and custom competions (can be made from scratch or
based on a real one). Teams participating in these competitions can be
chosen from any country. All / Any teams may be played by human or
is a top down football/management game, with either quick game or
20-year career player-manager options. The games are set to last 3
minutes, but the 20-year career can suck in your entire life for a few
months. The graphics are kept very small so the player can orientate
themselves on the pitch without need for a radar. The controls are
simple, easy to get used to and very effective. In the full career mode
you can jump from club-to-club buying any of the game's 29000+ players,
as well as play around with team tactics.
over 24,000 players, 144 pre-set competitions, an international
transfer market and a 20 season management option, you might as well
give up your Arsenal season ticket! And if that's not enough for the
hardened fan, listen out for extensive commentary from TV &
radio's leading commentor [sic], Jonathan Pearce (CD Only) and get your
hands on all the latest '95/'96 season data from over 100 clubs and
national sides. Not forgetting a CD soundtrack and 3D rendered
sequences in 256 colour graphics for the CD version. If all this does
not manage to annoy the wife or girlfriend, nothing will!
you can choose from 1400 teams over the five continents.
